Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chloey is 11 mos today!!

WOW  i cant  belive   Chloey  is  11 mos  old  today. It seems  like yesterday  I was in  labor  with  her. Having  all the  drs  tellign  me what  could  of  happend  and  she diff  showed then  that  she was  a  fighter! She can  out  crying  and pink!!! My little  princess  si  now standing  up and  trying  to walk  ahhh!!   She  is  getting into  Big  Brothers  toys and crawling  after  him. OHH  She  now  knows  the  word MAMA!! She  been  saying  MAMA  no stop and  I love  it!!! The  other  Night  she  yelled MAMA and  look  right  at  me!!  Chloey i love  you  so  much  ypu are  my  merical  baby and  i thank  god  everyday for  you and you anr  trully  are  my  merical   babay!!   I love  you  to the  moon and  back!!
 Love  Mommy

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just thinking about Adam ..He Just called and told me he was at a fire


The pager makes it’s beeping noise,
The scanner comes to life.
You see excitement on his face
As he goes off to fight.
No matter what you’re doing
Or whatever the current plan,
All you can say is “Later Hon”
As he gets those keys in hand.
You say a little prayer
That God will keep him safe,
That with all the pride and bravery
No one will make a mistake.
You know those men are Brothers
And fiercely will protect
The lives of each other and others–
They will truly give their best!
You and your “man’s best friend”
Are both loyal and true.
You keep each other company
Waiting for him to return to you.
And when that front door opens
With “Honey I’m home” again,
You thank the Lord he’s back OK,
Your brave and strong Fireman.

 Adams  Station  and  his  stuff

its hard talking to you while your on call
There is nothing I hate more than the sound of your alarm
I hear that sound and instantly feel my heart fall
I feel like the love of my life is in harm
Just so you know I love what you do
You put yourself in harms way for the sake of others
I tease you a lot about the working days; there are only a few
But when you get a fire you put your life on the line for another
I love you more and more each day
I respect what you do; you are all unspoken of heroes
Baby, each night I lye in bed and pray:
Heavenly Father,i am asking you to send your angels today,
To protect my firefighter in a very special
I ask you to guide his thoughts and actions and keep him free from fear
To bring him home safely again to those who hold him precious and dear
Please show me the way to let him know i am proud to be in his life
I thank you lord for giving me this man with whom I have no strife
To keep those you love safe from harm is a goal you both share
I pray that as he follows in your ways, you hold him in your care.

<3 My  Boy  Friend  Adam  at   the fire station <3

New here!!

I am no writer or anything but I want to start blogging about my life and give  updates whats going on with me and the kids and just blog about stuff. it will be updates, sayings, and etc So welcome to my blog. Hope you all enjoy it!